Jennifer Parker
Jennifer Parker is an Expert Associate at the National Security College, Australian National University and an Adjunct Fellow in naval studies at the University of New South Wales Canberra. Jennifer also holds the position of Nancy Bentley Associate Fellow in Indo-Pacific Maritime Affairs at the Council on Geostrategy.
Jennifer hosts and produces the weekly Maritime Matters podcast the Australian Naval Institute's Saltwater Strategists podcast focused on Indo-Pacific maritime affairs.
Published in a number of major Australian newspapers, Jennifer is regularly featured in Australian and international print, digital, radio and TV media.
Jennifer served for more than 20 years with the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). During her time in the RAN Jennifer specialised as a Principal Warfare Officer, including undertaking deep specialist training with the Royal Navy in Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer.
Jennifer has extensive operational experience from the Middle East to the Caribbean, and most areas in between. She has undertaken a series of naval appointments nationally and internationally in areas including force design strategy, career management, international exercise planning and operations. That included service as an exchange officer with the Royal Navy and as second in command of HMAS Darwin, one of the Royal Australian Navy's guided missile frigates.
Jennifer’s last appointment in the RAN was as Director of Operations in Bahrain of the Combined Maritime Forces, a 38-nation coalition promoting national security in the Middle East and Indian Ocean region.
Defence Policy, Military Strategy, Military Operations, Force Design, Maritime Security, International Maritime Law, specifically Law of the Sea and the Law of Naval Warfare.
Jennifer holds multiple tertiary qualifications including a Bachelor of Arts (Maths, Politics) from the University of New South Wales, Bachelor of Law (1st Hons) from the University of New England, Master of Arts in Strategy and Security from the University of New South Wales, and a Master of Laws from the Australian National University.
Jennifer has been admitted to the ACT Supreme Court as a legal practitioner and is current undertaking a Doctorate researching Australian maritime strategy at the University of Wollongong, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security.